As Christians, we believe everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. As United Methodists, we believe in supporting the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We give back a portion of what our generous God has given us for a few reasons. First, it is right and good to express our gratitude to God. Second, it helps us not become overly dependent on our "stuff" or to define ourselves by how much we earn. Third, we pray that God will multiply our gifts like loaves and fishes and use them to transform the world, one life at a time.
Click here to give online using a credit card or bank account. 100% of what you give goes to support Gray Memorial UMC.
To make a contribution by mail, simply make your check payable to Gray Memorial UMC and mail it to us:
2201 Old Bainbridge Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32303
It's not all about money. If you would like someone to contact you about how you can donate your time and talents, please let us know.
Is online giving safe?
Yes, all account information you enter is secure. We use a third-party called Breeze to collect and process your information. They are a leading service provider for churches.
How much should I give?
That’s between you and God. While we never tell anyone how much to give, we lift up the biblical pattern of tithing, giving the first 10 percent of our income to God (Genesis 14:20, Malachi 3:6-10, Hebrews 7:1-10). This is a practical discipline for spiritual growth. Some people begin with a smaller percentage and grow into the 10 percent tithe. Others feel God calling them to give beyond the 10 percent tithe as their faith and discipleship continue to grow. Everyone is challenged to “take the next step” in their giving.
Gross or Net?
We encourage everyone to seek God’s direction in their giving decisions, and we will never ask to see a paystub or a tax return; this really is between you and God. Traditional interpretations indicate the biblical tithe represents the “first fruits” of our income. By giving before the costs of housing, transportation, taxes and other expenses, we honor the principle that God owns everything. We can joyfully trust God to allow us to live fully on the other 90 percent.
What if I don't give?
That is between you and God. We are saved by God’s grace, as a free gift accepted by faith--not by our tithing. We encourage you to give because we believe living into the life God has designed you for includes learning to use the gifts God gives you. We invite you to give to Gray because we have decades of experience at being good stewards of God's gifts. We do expect church leaders, including our pastor, to give regularly. We'd be happy to discuss that with you if you have any questions.
What do you do with the money?
Your gifts to Gray Memorial United Methodist help the church equip, prepare, and send disciples to share the love of Christ with others. Contributions are used to pay our staff, cover all maintenance and upkeep on our gathering place, and make it possible for us to worship, learn, and grow together.